Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Early Cakes

I am going to start out by just uploading a bunch of cake pictures that I have taken over the years.  Most of these were actual film images that I had to scan, so excuse the quality.

This was a round chocolate on chocolate cake for my sister's birthday.  This cake was probably done 20 years ago when I was in college and working at Lucy's Cakes in Austin.

An engagement cake for my cousin Tanya.

An early wedding cake of mine.  Note the fountain underneath filled with purple water!  Yes, it may seem tacky now, but that was the style years ago. 

Yes, I do still have the fountain, but luckily, no one requests it anymore. 

Closeup of some buttercream side designs

This cake was a monster.  Those are 16 inch rounds you see.  I had a hard time getting it out of the kitchen door. 

Remember Barney.  My nephew Johnny's 4th birthday.  He just turned 21.

Here is a closeup of some piping work on a cake.  Shell Border, inner cameo border with soto lace, piped roses and rosebuds.

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